Injection sessions take place in a doctor's surgery, as they require rigorous asepsis. All areas of the face to be treated are disinfected. The filling of wrinkles with hyaluronic acid injections can then begin. The surgeon injects the hyaluronic acid in thin, regular trabeculae to achieve the best possible, even results. The injections are carried out using micro-needles, which are usually supplied with the product. The injections are therefore very painless. A local anaesthetic can be added to the product directly in the syringe if the patient is very sensitive to injections. Depending on the areas to be treated and the level of filling required, the surgeon uses several types of hyaluronic acid according to their consistency (viscosity) in order to adapt the injections to the situation and the area. The doctor administers the solution to varying depths depending on the area being treated. Several areas can be treated at once. The results are visible straight away, but you need to wait several days for them to be complete (water uptake and retention due to the product's osmolar power).